The Peakto Search Plugin is Enriched with Metadata Search

May 30th, 2024 – Montpellier, France.

CYME unveils Peakto Search v1.1, its plugin for Lightroom and Capture One, with new features making it the best instant search engine dedicated to photos and videos. In addition to search by description and similar images, Peakto Search now allows metadata search. It thus becomes the “Finder” dedicated to Lightroom and Capture One, always accessible from the menu bar, offering photo previews and a video player, capable of displaying the searched content in seconds.

From now on, the Peakto Search plugin allows real-time navigation in Lightroom Classic or Capture One catalogs based on personal annotations made in these editing software. Instantly access all photos or videos rated 5 stars, or search for those tagged with specific people or keywords, regardless of the catalog where the item is located. Even if Lightroom and Capture One are closed, Peakto Search makes finding content instantaneous.

Thomas Ribreau, CYME co-founder & CPO: “Peakto Search is a plugin that adapts to all search situations encountered by photographers. Firstly, it allows you to find photos and videos that have been rated and annotated in seconds. Thanks to its previews, it provides a quick and efficient window into everything cataloged in Lightroom or Capture One. Secondly, it enables finding media that has NOT been indexed or captioned, thanks to AI that can analyze the content. There’s no need to open Lightroom or Capture One to navigate and view your images and videos. Our goal is to make Peakto Search the always-at-hand search plugin for photographers, an improved version of Finder entirely dedicated to photos and videos.”

New Feature in Peakto Search - Metadata Search

Peakto Search Features

  • Always accessible and active photo and video search engine
  • Video passage search
  • Cross-catalog search
  • Instant results
  • Description-based search (prompt)
  • Similar image search
  • Search by metadata
  • Tight integration with Lightroom
  • Protected privacy
  • Multilingual prompt search
  • For macOS

Price and availability

Peakto Search is on sale on the CYME website, complete with a complimentary 7-day trial period exclusive to subscribers:

  •  2-year subscription for $89
  • Annual subscription for $65
  • Monthly subscription for $8.99 per month
  • Unlimited license for $129

System Requirements​

Optimized for macOS Ventura, Peakto Search requires macOS 12 (Monterrey) or later and can fully leverage Apple Silicon M1/M2/M3 chips. Peakto Search is compatible with Lightroom Classic from version 5 and with Capture One Pro from version 20.

About CYME

Founded by serial entrepreneurs Claudia Zimmer, Matthieu Kopp and Thomas Ribreau, CYME’s mission is to deploy innovative features that will both serve the photography community and help protect our planet. We promote digital sobriety by retaining only our best images.

About CYME’s products

Avalanche facilitates seamless photo transfers between different editing software without compromising applied edits.

Peakto serves as a universal cataloger, organizing all photos, regardless of their format or location.

The mobile app FindMySnap connects to Apple Photos, simplifying image retrieval and theme-based organization.

Press contacts

Claudia Zimmer (

Allison Reber (

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