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Photo libraries migration extended preview export capabilities and reliability

September 24, 2020 – Montpellier, France. 

Avalanche is now available in Japanese and German (in addition to English and French). The new version also fixes some important bugs and improves the reporting on the number of images that were converted. 

When running a migration tool like Avalanche on your precious image libraries, you expect the process to be safe and exhaustive” says Matthieu Kopp, CYME co-founder and CTO “There are many reasons that can explain an observed difference between the theoretical number of images in the source and the final number of images in the destination (missing files, corrupted source databases, cloud images not downloaded…). We are now giving the users a better vision of their libraries transfers and introduced new reporting to help them understand the discrepancies when they arise. This version is a huge step toward better control over your migrations. The Avalanche engine continues to be improved and is becoming more resilient on corrupted input data.” 

These new updates to Avalanche improve the export of previews, introduced recently. Previews are additional images of edited versions added to your output catalogs. They have the same metadata (IPTC/EXIF) as the versions they represent and are stored separately from the original files for easy identification. They are a way to migrate a high-fidelity version of complex edits made to an image in the form of a JPG file.

Extensive customization options are available to control the naming, quality and circumstances under which previews are added to the output catalog. The changes introduced include:

  • The ability to export previews in the Files and Folders export.
  • The fix of several conditions when the number of reported processed masters/versions were wrong.
  • Better management of corrupted input Aperture catalogs. New entries in the conversion log file clearly indicate the number of corrupted masters.
  • Fixes for several crash situations that were reported in abnormal situations:
    • when a date linked to a specific master was undefined.
    • when the projects contained special characters.
    • related to the timeline and corrupted dates.
  • Fixes of several UI and UX glitches.
  • A full German 🇩🇪 localization.
  • A full Japanese 🇯🇵 localization.

System Requirements

Avalanche for Lightroom (v1.3), Avalanche for Luminar (v1.2) and Avalanche Unlimited (v1.2) require macOS 10.14 or later and run smoothly on Catalina. Avalanche is compatible with Aperture catalogs from version 3.6, Lightroom catalogs from version 5, and Luminar catalogs from version 4.2.

The software requires around 145 MB of free space, 4GB of memory (8GB recommended) and enough space to accommodate the converted libraries.

A working copy of Apple Aperture or Lightroom is not required to migrate libraries as Avalanche opens those libraries natively.

Pricing and Availability

Avalanche for Luminar is $59 USD and is available exclusively through the developer store. Avalanche Unlimited is $119 USD and is available through the developer store. Review codes are available to qualified journalists upon request.

About CYME

Cyme was founded in summer 2019 by Matthieu Kopp, Thomas Ribreau, and Claudia Zimmer who have worked together on their previous award winning adventure (Aquafadas acquired by Rakuten) and decided to explore together the creation of powerful software solutions for photographers.They are passionate about photography, well-designed software and flawless user experiences.
They like cool gear, have a vision for a better digital life …and ❤︎ the Mac. 

Peakto, the gam-changing photo management
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