July 29, 2021 – Montpellier, France.
CYME announces the availability of new versions of Avalanche supporting Google Photos as an input source.

Since June 2021 Google Photo, Google’s cloud-based photo storage service, has become a paid service. Many users who used to enjoy free and unlimited high quality photo storage have found themselves having to pay or migrate their images to another service.
“When Google announced the future restrictions on Google Photos last November, we received a flood of requests for help,” says Claudia Zimmer, co-founder of CYME. “Our team has been working on preserving as much data as possible in the process of migrating the libraries to new destinations like Capture One, Lightroom or Luminar, Apple Photos.
Starting with version 1.4 (*) , Avalanche adds the ability to transfer Google Photos libraries to Adobe Lightroom, Luminar 4 or AI, and Capture One.
Supporting Google Photos as an input source has some very specific constraints :
– Google Photo libraries need to be “prepared” in order for Avalanche to process them.
– Google Photo libraries have very limited metadata (much less than what the online experience suggests), so the migration is therefore more limited in functionality.
- Albums and their structure
- Year-based projects are converted as albums.
- Photo descriptions are converted as IPTC captions in the destination catalog
- Photo dates
- Photo faces are converted as keywords. Note that the pet names are not exported by Google Takeout and are therefore not available during the migration.
- GPS coordinates and place names are available inside Google Photos but are not exported as part of Takeout; therefore, they cannot be inferred by Avalanche. *or Version 1.1 for Avalanche for Capture One
System Requirements
Avalanche and Avalanche Unlimited require MacOS 10.14 or higher and are fully compatible with MacOS Big Sur. They run natively on the new Mac M1. Avalanche is compatible with Aperture catalogs starting with version 3.6, Lightroom catalogs starting with version 5, Capture ne from 20 and Luminar catalogs starting with version 4.2.
Approximately 145 MB of free space are required, 4 GB of memory (8 GB recommended) and enough space to accommodate converted libraries.
A working version of Apple Aperture or Lightroom is not required to migrate the libraries, because Avalanche opens these libraries in native mode.
Pricing and Availability
The upgrade is free for existing users.
Avalanche for Capture One, Luùinar or Lightroom are priced at $59 USD and is available exclusively through the developer store. Avalanche Unlimited is $119 USD and is available through both the Apple Store and the developer store.Review codes are available to qualified journalists upon request.
About CYME
CYME was founded in summer 2019 by Matthieu Kopp, Thomas Ribreau, and Claudia Zimmer. After working together on a previous adventure (Aquafadas aquired by Rakuten), the three co-founders decided to embark on yet another adventure to explore the creation of powerful software solutions for photographers.
They are passionate about photography, well-designed software and flawless user experiences. They like cool gear, have a vision for a better digital life …and ❤︎ the Mac.
Press Contacts
Claudia Zimmer (c.zimmer@cyme.io)
Allison Reber (a.reber@cyme.io)