Immerse yourself in the exciting world of Fine Art photography by exploring the work of Fares Micue and her incredible colorful photos. Prepare to be inspired and discover dreams and thoughts photographed through Fares’ lens in this captivating episode of “Lens Stories”.
Photography is an art form that captures the world through the lens, with each photograph telling a unique story. Behind every breathtaking image is a passionate and talented photographer with their own story. Through “Lens Stories,” CYME aims to uncover these captivating narratives while highlighting the techniques, philosophies, and advice that have guided these artists on their photographic journeys. As a software developer focused on improving photographers’ workflows, it is essential for us to share these experiences and provide tools that support and enhance the work of these visual creators.

Preserving a Passion for Cinema Through Fine Art Photography
I have always loved art, specially cinema and writing and my original dream was to be and actress because I loved the idea of sharing different stories by becoming different characters each time, but in 2009 I starting to become interested in photography and discovered that my dream did not disappear but it took a different form and I still have the chance to fulfill my dream of sharing different stories by becoming different characters.

How to Convey Emotions in Photography: Fares Micue's Vision
I always approach each one of my photographs with the same idea in mind, to share a beautiful and inspiring story within a single frame.
If I had to define my photography, I would say colorful nostalgia… I love to give colors to the emotions and use them to paint across the image to wake up the feelings of the viewer.
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Four Key Principles for Storytelling Through Photography According to Fares Micue
Follow your photographer's instinct
Create images with your heart
Never neglect or minimize your feelings
Share your emotions through your photos

The Image That Best Defines Fares Micue
It’s hard to choose but it would be “follow your essence” cause for me, this image shares a message that can resonate basically with everyone as we are all trying to discover who we are and what our call in this world is.

Tips for Getting Started in Photography According to Fares Micue
Look at numerous works of art
Start practicing photography
Deepen your photography tools
Master your Photoshop tools

Show Your Support for Fine Art Photographer Fares Micue
Let’s rally behind photographers and their incredible work! In particular, I invite you to explore and follow the remarkable journey of photographer Fares Micue on her Instagram page. Your support means the world to these talented individuals who bring captivating stories to life through their lens.