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Before the winter snow, Avalanche 1.0 is out!

Avalanche for Lightroom 1.0 is out !

The CYME team is proud to announce the release and immediate availability of Avalanche 1.0, the new photo migration software for macOS with machine learning capabilities. Avalanche is designed to convert catalogs of photographs from one application to another while keeping the organisational structures intact, ensuring all metadata flows without losses and image adjustments are replicated with the best possible results.

Avalanche for Lightroom, the first version of Avalanche, focuses on providing a solution for photographers with photos stuck in Apple Aperture, which isn’t supported anymore by Apple. Since the release of Catalina, Aperture users can’t rely on launching Aperture anymore to access their photo libraries. Avalanche allows a smooth transfer of the libraries towards other applications : today towards Lightroom or folders and soon towards other applications like Luminar, CaptureOne, etc.

Avalanche Software for Lightroom conversion photos
Avalanche for Lightroom
We designed Avalanche because we were not satisfied with existing solutions – when they existed – to migrate our many photo catalogs out of Aperture. We realized how being able to switch our preferred cataloging app was important to us as many great photo edition apps exist, and are continuously begging to be. Being able to move all our images with metadata, organizational structure and some edits was opening new perspectives and giving us a much wanted freedom of choice. But Avalanche does not stop here. We wanted to ensure that everything that was present in the source catalog got converted, even if it looked hard or impossible. Therefore Avalanche converts faces and recreates them, not as keywords like other solutions do, but as real face detections in the destination catalog. Avalanche not only does a great job of opening and converting those catalogs, but we added some unique Machine Learning capabilities to transfer a number of adjustments. And when Avalanche estimates that a picture has adjustments that are too complex to migrate, it places the image in a dedicated album for the user to review after conversion. We hope you’ll enjoy using Avalanche for Lightroom.

Features Include:

• A browser interface to easily find all catalogs on all connected volumes. • A user friendly conversion screen with detailed information about the content to be converted and detailed progress monitoring.

• A detailed reporting screen and a conversion log in the form of a CSV file to easily find out what errors were encountered (missing files, corrupted database situations, etc.)

• The most complete support for content migration: masters, videos, virtual copies are all handled .

• The most complete support for metadata and annotations migration: IPTC, EXIF, tags, keywords, flags, faces, stacks, … you name it. They are all handled. – Machine Learning powered conversion of adjustments. And many more features to discover …

System Requirements: 

Avalanche for Lightroom requires macOS 10.14 or later and runs well on Catalina.
You need around 145 MB of free space, 4GB of memory (8GB recommended) and enough space to accommodate the converted libraries.
A working copy of Apple Aperture is not required to migrate Aperture libraries as Avalanche opens those libraries natively.

Useful Links

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What's next?

Avalanche for Lightroom will receive planned updates in the coming weeks with the new features and improvements such as the addition of Apple Photos as a source.We are already busy working on the next versions of Avalanche to migrate from Aperture/Photos/Lightroom to CaptureOne, Luminar and more.
Stay tuned in early 2020 for great new opportunities for your photos.
Happy Xmas time!

About CYME
Cyme was founded in summer 2019 by Matthieu Kopp, Claudia Zimmer and Thomas Ribreau,who have worked together on their previous award winning adventure (Aquafadas acquired by Rakuten) and decided to explore together the creation of powerful software solutions for photographers.They are passionate about photography, well designed software and flawless user experiences.
They like cool gear, have a vision for a better digital life …and ❤︎ the Mac.

Peakto, the gam-changing photo management
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