With a subscription, you receive all new versions of Peakto Search, ensuring you are always up to date. There’s no need to purchase updates separately; you immediately gain access to new features added to Peakto Search.
By subscribing, you benefit from a 7-day trial period during which you can cancel your subscription and not be billed.
You can subscribe for a duration of one month, 12 months, or 24 months, and cancel the automatic renewal of your subscription at any time. All subscriptions are due. All purchases are final.
Your subscription begins when you enter the license key directly into the plugin.
The subscription automatically renews at the end of the selected billing period (1 month, 12 months, or 24 months). You will receive a pre-billing reminder before each renewal. You can cancel the renewal at any time by following the ‘Manage Your Orders’ link in the order email sent by FastSpring Checkout.
You authorize us to automatically charge your payment method at the end of each period until you decide to cancel. Applicable taxes (VAT or GST) may also be incurred with each billing period of your subscription until canceled.
To unsubscribe, follow the “Manage your orders” link in your order email.
You’ll receive a pre-billing reminder before each renewal.
The lifetime license is not a subscription; it grants you access to free updates throughout the year, including new features. All purchases are final. When the next major version is released in the future, you can choose to purchase an upgrade or continue using the 2024 version indefinitely.
Please note, the lifetime license does not include a trial period.